Can I change the featured image size on single blog posts, so the images stretches to the width of the column and the height is in proportion?
Hey IngridSpielman,
Thanks for the link, though it’s already 100% of the container width. Could you try to explain a bit further or post a screenshot highlighting your intentions please?
Best regards,
Thanks for your reply. It is the height of the image that is the problem. All my images have a different height, and I don’t want them to appear cropped when I use them on a single blog post, as a featured image.
If I manually insert the image into the post I can display the image correctly based on the image width and height. See link 1 below.
If I display the image using the featured image option, then the image appears cropped. See link 2 below.
How can I change the settings so the featured image shows the full height on a single blog post (as shown in link 2)?
Thank you,
Thanks for your reply.
I have about 350 images. They all have the same widths, but the heights vary. I want the height to be uncropped on the single blog post.
When I display them as a featured image on a single blog post they are always cropped. See link 1 below
When I display them after manually adding the image to the content editor, it is uncropped.’See link 2 below
So my question is
On the single blog post page how can I make the image appear uncropped but still use the featured image upload to do this.
Thank you,
Hi IngridSpielman,
I got a 404 on one link and no image on the other. Can you please links to the pages with the issue?
Best regards,