Tagged: masonry
On this page here:
I’d like to find a way for
1. The base image (before mouseover) to not be dimmed… right now it is lightened slightly.
2. On mouseover, to not have the dark overlay.
Is there a way to do that?
Thank you so much.
Hey Rusty,
Thank you for using Enfold.
You can add this css code to change the opacity of the image.
.avia_desktop .av-hover-overlay-active .av-masonry-image-container {
opacity: 1;
And this one to remove the overlay.
#top .av-inner-masonry:hover:before {
background: transparent;
transition: all .5s cubic-bezier(0.63, 0.7, 0.55, 1.03);
Best regards,
Works beautifully… thank you so very much.
Hi rustylindquist,
Glad that Ismael helped you. :)
Let us know if you need further assistance or if we can close this thread.
Best regards,
Yes you can close this thread, thank you.
If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon