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  • #1021090

    I’m working on my website . I added a content box. Then I created a table inside the box. Sometimes it shows the content when I go to edit it but usually the editor shows nothing in either the Visual Editor or the Text Editor. I have cleared cookies/cache for enfold. Cleared chrome cookies/cache. Rebooted. Hard Reboot and I still have the same problem. Blank screen that I can’t edit. I can see it through preview or view page, but not in the edit mode.
    Please help! This is the home page, but it happens on all pages.


    Hey Kathy,
    Can you please include a admin login in the private content area so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,



    I did delete and turn off several plugins as well.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Mike. Reason: moved password to Private Content area

    Guys, I am trying to find a solution for the similar issue. Visual Editor – text block – toolbar missing tools. I believe I was able to change heading type and fonts from this toolbar. How do I fix it?
    here is a picture of it click here



    this looks like a plugin conflict, Try disabling your plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.

    Best regards,



    your website is not loading for me, is it working for you?

    Best regards,


    the website loads, but the backend is all messed up.


    Hi kgoldman,

    Please deactivate Jetpack and see if the issue remains.

    Best regards,


    I have no idea! I have a guy who was working on it….

    What am I supposed to do now? Please Please help!

    I backed the site up and upgraded theme to latest version.

    I get this error and don’t know what to do: “A configuration issue prevents CDN from working: The “Authorization key” and “Replace default hostname with” field(s) cannot be empty.You need to select / create a pull zone. Specify it here.”


    I have some guy on the Bluehost side doesn’t know his butt from a hole in the ground and he doesn’t know what to do with this stuff. he sent an erro message and told me to fix it. What the heck are they doing over there?
    He uninstalled my theme and child and then changed it to theme2017. so now i can see my site. I can log in on only IE and he won’t fix anything else. He is going to install enfold first. but whichone is supposed to be first? theme or child?
    Then in the theme area there is an error that says “Please update your PHP. W3 Total Cache requires PHP version 5.3 or above” and I don’t know what that is either.


    Now he just sent this msg:
    The exact error with the enfold theme is PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION, expecting ‘)’ in /home1/assista6/public_html/fsbomarketingexperts/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/font-management/class-avia-font-management-base.php on line 429


    Please someone help! I am supposed to be launching this site tomorrow and I am getting tech support from a buffoon!
    by the way, he made me change the login.

    admin / Q7*h!LvMI0$TWURG

    Pretty please, for the love of God and all that is good. Can someone help me?


    @lawesleyby you there? I did disable all the plugins…Nothing helped.


    I was able to login and disabled your W3 Total Cache plugin and removed this code, (see link in Private Content area) from your functions.php which removed the error in the head, but you still have a lot of javascript errors, and the page is not loading.
    I tried activating the parent theme, which worked, but all of your pages & post went to a 404.
    Do you have a backup that you can restore?

    Best regards,


    @lawesleyby I do have a backup but since this has been going on for 4 days, the back up includes the errors. I am getting really frustrated. the site is up, but I can’t edit it now. Blank edit page both text and visual don’t work. All plugins are disabled. Thoughts?


    @lawesleyby If I backup the site. Then reinstall enfold and the child will it all work better?


    Hopefully restoring from a backup will correct the issue, considering that the first time that we tried to view your site it was not loading, it’s hard to tell what the issue could be.
    Please try to ensure that your site is using PHP v5.6 minimum, do you know what version of Enfold you were using?

    Best regards,

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