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  • #1020735

    I’m using two easy sliders on a page whose element visibility is different for desktop, tablet landscape, tablet portrait (slider 1) and mobile portrait (slider 2). This works great, but whilst the hidden slider is not visible, it leaves unnecessary whitespace which really bugs me.

    Since pictures say more than 1000 words

    With hidden easy slider between menu and image:

    Hidden easy slider removed:

    if it helps, this is the div of the hidden easy slider.

    <div data-size="masonry" data-lightbox_size="large" data-animation="fade" data-conditional_play="" data-ids="534,535,536" data-video_counter="0" data-autoplay="true" data-bg_slider="false" data-slide_height="" data-handle="av_slideshow" data-interval="5" data-class=" avia-builder-el-0 el_before_av_slideshow avia-builder-el-first av-desktop-hide av-medium-hide av-small-hide" data-css_id="" data-scroll_down="" data-control_layout="av-control-default" data-custom_markup="" data-perma_caption="" data-autoplay_stopper="" data-image_attachment="" data-min_height="0px" data-default-height="100" class="avia-slideshow avia-slideshow-1 av-control-default avia-slideshow-masonry av_slideshow avia-builder-el-0 el_before_av_slideshow avia-builder-el-first av-desktop-hide av-medium-hide av-small-hide avia-fade-slider" itemprop="ImageObject" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><ul class="avia-slideshow-inner " style="padding: 0px;"><li class=" slide-1 " style="visibility: visible; opacity: 1; transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53) 0s; transform: translateZ(0px);"><div data-rel="slideshow-1" class="avia-slide-wrap "><img src="" width="705" height="705" title="MK3C2960" alt="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" data-lazy-src="" srcset="" class=" jetpack-lazy-image" style="left: 0px;"><noscript><img src='' width='705' height='705' title='MK3C2960' alt='' itemprop="thumbnailUrl" /></noscript></div></li><li class=" slide-2 "><div data-rel="slideshow-1" class="avia-slide-wrap "><img src="" width="705" height="705" title="MK3C2704" alt="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" data-lazy-src="" srcset="" class=" jetpack-lazy-image"><noscript><img src='' width='705' height='705' title='MK3C2704' alt='' itemprop="thumbnailUrl" /></noscript></div></li><li class=" slide-3 "><div data-rel="slideshow-1" class="avia-slide-wrap "><img src="" width="705" height="705" title="MK3C2703" alt="" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" data-lazy-src="" srcset="" class=" jetpack-lazy-image"><noscript><img src='' width='705' height='705' title='MK3C2703' alt='' itemprop="thumbnailUrl" /></noscript></div></li></ul><div class="avia-slideshow-arrows avia-slideshow-controls"><a href="#prev" class="prev-slide" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello">Previous</a><a href="#next" class="next-slide" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello">Next</a></div><div class="avia-slideshow-dots avia-slideshow-controls"><a href="#1" class="goto-slide active">1</a><a href="#2" class="goto-slide ">2</a><a href="#3" class="goto-slide ">3</a></div></div>


    Hey zero0cool,

    Thanks for the screenshots. Where can we see the elements on the actual page?

    Best regards,


    This is the page..

    Do you need an admin account to it?



    Thanks for that, we don’t need to login to the page for now. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .page-id-13 .template-page {
      padding-top:0 !important;

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard, this works.



    Great, glad you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    One final question, will the same CSS work on another page as well or does .page-id-13 refer to a specific wordpress page?



    That does refer to a specific page yes, if you want to target another page then you can right click on the page in question in your browser and select Inspect. You can then see the page-id class in the body tag. You can also see it in the URL when you edit the page in question on the backend in WordPress.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,
    Sorry for popping in, it is just that I’d like to know how can I achieve the same but in a portfolio item, not a page…

    Thanks a lot!


    Hi juandoscuartos,

    Try this code, it should affect all single portfolio pages.

    .single-portfolio .template-page {
      padding-top:0 !important;

    Best regards,

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