The Featured Image in the head of post page has a link, how can i remove the link?
Thank you.
Hey Tommy,
Please add this code to the quick css field to make the featured image not clickable:
.single .big-preview.single-big{
pointer-events: none;
Best regards,
Hi guys,
I have the same issue.. Have tried several css codes from other threads without success and most of these threads are closed for replies.
I have WordPress 5.1.1 & Enfold 4.5.6.
Can you please assist.
Thank you,
Hi Vasilis,
Please post a link to where we can see the element in question so that we can have a closer look.
Best regards,
Hi @Rikard,
I have created a category for the news https://aimonas.gr/news/. On each of the article eg. https://aimonas.gr/%CE%BF-%CE%B1%CE%90%CE%BC%CE%BF%CE%BD%CE%B1%CF%82-%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF-syllogoi-com/. The featured image is clickable and redirects to the author.
In order to get share buttons and comments on the end of the article, I am editing in advanced layout but save the article as a default editor, like I read on another thread.
Thank you for your assistance!
Hi again,
i found this thread https://kriesi.at/support/topic/remove-link-and-hover-icon-on-single-posts-featured-images/ and have added Victoria’s code in Quick CSS and functions.php. but have the issue like the guy who created the thread :– The post featured image still fades out on hover.
I think I will reply on the other thread as well to see who could assist me with that.
HI @Rikard,
can you maybe assists. The other thread has been closed for new replies.
Thank you!
Hi samvasgr,
Best regards,