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  • #1016185

    Is it possible to change the color palette of the theme based on a a single primary color? Or will I have to generate an entire new color palette myself?


    what do you mean by color-palette ?
    Do you like to have a different color-picker color-palette ( those colors under the picker field)

    or do you mean a custom style on enfold – general styling – predefined color scheme ?


    I mean when you go to enfold child > general styling and choose “Select a predefined color scheme”. But I am assuming you need to change it all manually


    you can make your own predefined color-scheme by adding some code to your child-theme functions.php:
    All manual – but you got your own style and can transform this to other installations if you like

    add_filter('avf_skin_options', 'my_custom_added_style_function');
    function my_custom_added_style_function($styles = "") {
    	$default_primary 	= "#2d5c88";
    	$default_highlight 	= "#3d71a1";
    	$default_background = "#041424";
    	$special_border 	= "#0A2138";
    	$styles["Custom Style"] = array(		
    							"default_font" => "Open Sans:400,600",
    							"google_webfont" => "Open Sans:400,600",
    							"color_scheme"	=>"Custom Style",
    							// header
    							"colorset-header_color-bg"				=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-header_color-bg2"				=>"#f8f8f8",
    							"colorset-header_color-primary"			=>"$default_primary",
    							"colorset-header_color-secondary"		=>"#444444",
    							"colorset-header_color-color"			=>"#333333",
    							"colorset-header_color-border"			=>"#e1e1e1",
    							"colorset-header_color-img"				=>"",
    							"colorset-header_color-customimage"		=>"",
    							"colorset-header_color-pos" 			=> "top center",
    							"colorset-header_color-repeat" 			=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-header_color-attach" 			=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-header_color-heading' 		=> '#000000',
    							'colorset-header_color-meta' 			=> '#808080',
    							// main
    							"colorset-main_color-bg"				=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-main_color-bg2"				=>"#fcfcfc",
    							"colorset-main_color-primary"			=>"$default_primary",
    							"colorset-main_color-secondary"			=>"$default_highlight",
    							"colorset-main_color-color"				=>"#666666",
    							"colorset-main_color-border"			=>"#e1e1e1",
    							"colorset-main_color-img"				=>"",
    							"colorset-main_color-customimage"		=>"",
    							"colorset-main_color-pos" 				=> "top center",
    							"colorset-main_color-repeat" 			=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-main_color-attach" 			=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-main_color-heading' 			=> '#222222',
    							'colorset-main_color-meta' 				=> '#919191',
    							// alternate
    							"colorset-alternate_color-bg"			=>"#fcfcfc",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-bg2"			=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-primary"		=>"$default_primary",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-secondary"	=>"$default_highlight",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-color"		=>"#666666",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-border"		=>"#e1e1e1",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-img"			=> "",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-customimage"	=>"",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-pos" 			=> "top center",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-repeat" 		=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-attach" 		=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-alternate_color-heading' 		=> '#222222',
    							'colorset-alternate_color-meta' 		=> '#8f8f8f',
    							// Footer
    							"colorset-footer_color-bg"				=>"#222222",
    							"colorset-footer_color-bg2"				=>"#333333",
    							"colorset-footer_color-primary"			=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-footer_color-secondary"		=>"#aaaaaa",
    							"colorset-footer_color-color"			=>"#dddddd",
    							"colorset-footer_color-border"			=>"#444444",
    							"colorset-footer_color-img"				=> "",
    							"colorset-footer_color-customimage"		=>"",
    							"colorset-footer_color-pos" 			=> "top center",
    							"colorset-footer_color-repeat" 			=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-footer_color-attach" 			=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-footer_color-heading' 		=> '#919191',
    							'colorset-footer_color-meta' 			=> '#919191',
    							// Socket
    							"colorset-socket_color-bg"				=>"#333333",
    							"colorset-socket_color-bg2"				=>"#555555",
    							"colorset-socket_color-primary"			=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-socket_color-secondary"		=>"#aaaaaa",
    							"colorset-socket_color-color"			=>"#eeeeee",
    							"colorset-socket_color-border"			=>"#444444",
    							"colorset-socket_color-img"				=>"",
    							"colorset-socket_color-customimage"		=>"",
    							"colorset-socket_color-pos" 			=> "top center",
    							"colorset-socket_color-repeat" 			=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-socket_color-attach" 			=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-socket_color-heading' 		=> '#ffffff',
    							'colorset-socket_color-meta' 			=> '#999999',
    							//body bg
    							"color-body_style"						=>"stretched",
    							"color-body_color"						=>"#333333", //bg
    							"color-body_fontcolor"					=>"#ffffff", //font
    							"color-body_attach"						=>"scroll",
    							"color-body_repeat"						=>"repeat",
    							"color-body_pos"						=>"top center",
    							"color-body_img"						=> "",
    							"color-body_customimage"				=>"",
    	return $styles;

    Great! Thanks Guenni007!


    @guenni007 you are the best, thanks a lot for that snippet!
    Appreciate your time and effort all the time in such greet tweaks to ENFOLD :-)



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,


    by the way i would like to know a child-theme solution for that here:

    to have a second row f.e. with colors i like and do often use on my installations.

    on avia-modal.js i can see on line 389ff this $.AviaModal.register_callback.modal_load_colorpicker = function()
    but how to add a second palettes row over child-theme functions.php


    I am not able to change the color scheme on my site. I select any predefined color scheme and I “Save All Changes” and nothing happens.

    I know it is not a cache issue because other things work. I keep seeing the “Splash Green” but I want the “Blue-Grey”

    Is there a bug that is keeping me from saving this very simple change?

    Please help.


    Hey CREW Miami,

    Are you running any custom css that may not be formatted or written correctly? This can prevent style options from running.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    No I am not Jordan, I just installed ENFOLD and that was the first thing I noticed.
    I have ENFOLD installed on another website I just finished and I had to change some of the color manually that I was able to. But the link colors and other stuff I wasn’t able to change. I thought there was an issue with the old theme so I didn’t bother to look into it further.
    Now that I see the same thing happened on a new installation with no CSS changes or installed plugins, I know it’s an issue with ENFOLD.
    I was actually going to call my bank in the morning to get my money back. If you can resolve the issue I would appreciate it, otherwise I do need a refund.
    Best wishes brother!


    Is there anyone willing to help? So is this how it works around here? you buy the theme and get no answers?

    I’m going to make a really bad review about your service in as many blogs as possible. Plus call my bank to get the refund.

    Thank you!



    I would like to apologize for the delay. The File Compression settings were enabled, which is why you don’t see the changes. I disabled it temporarily from the Enfold > Performance panel. Please try to change the options again.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for the response, I appreciate the reply. The problem is now that I can not see anything on my website. I imported the 2017 DEMO and nothing shows. Can you please enabled the compression files again? or how can it be done from my end?
    I need the color scheme changes to work and my site to function properly.

    Please I ask you to help. I’ve never had issues with ENFOLD before and this time is has become very stressful to use it.

    I’m attaching my credentials so you can see what the home page looks like. It looks all broken.



    Thanks for the update. The site is displaying properly on my end. Did you remove the browser cache? Please try to hard refresh the page.


    And the styling changes when I adjust it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Yes it is now displaying properly. I hired a guy and fixed it.

    Thanks for the help.



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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