So I’m wanting the Facebook Pixel for View Content to fire when a customer views a product page. It fires if I use the default editor but does not if I use the Advanced Editor. Is there a way to fix this or work around it so that I can still create the product page with the Advance editor but Facebook/Woocommerce communicate saying it is a product page? It is EXTREMELY important that the ViewContent pixel is fired.
Hey MonumentBrandsLLC,
You can’t enable the hook directly but you can use this code to add the facebook pixel to the avia page builder content:
function avia_single_product_page_mod($content)
if (is_product())
Insert your code here
return $content;
add_filter('avia_builder_precompile', 'avia_single_product_page_mod', 10, 1 );
Insert your code here
with your facebook pixel code.
Best regards,
If you need help to integrate the pixel code in the code I posted above please provide more details (pixel code or plugin code you’re using to embed the pixel code on woocommerce pages.
Best regards,