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  • #1012187


    Just a few questions on the contact form.

    1. Messages sent from a contact form are they stored anywhere for later view, in a data perhaps?
    2. can you style the email sent out that is received by the recipient and sender (text, logo company info etc.?)
    3. when using a form element checkbox, can you chnage the output to read yes or no instead of true or false?



    Hey John,

    1. Unfortunately no, we do not save to DB.
    2. Yes, but it would require to do it with some custom code
    3. Yes, but it would again require to do it with some custom code!

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the information Basilis.

    Please close.



    Hi John,

    Thanks for the feedback. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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