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  • #1011340


    I’ve downloaded the WPML plugin. That went fine but now I want to register WPML (I know the key), but I click the button I get an empty field with the text “No repositories defined.”
    I have deleted the plugins and downloaded them again but that didn’t work. I still can’t register….

    Is that also the reason that I don’t get a translation field if I for example would like to translate my homepage?

    It took me already my whole day, so I hope you can help me!!

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey Eefke,
    You can translated all your entries by clicking on the “plus” symbol on the right side of each entry on the overview page.

    Please contact the wpml support team and ask them to fix the “No repositories defined.” issue.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    As far as I know wpml doesn’t offer such a feature out of the box but you need to install the official “WPML Translation Management” addon (however I’m not sure if the addon is really required). It’s listed here: . It will add the translation editor (see ) to your website.

    Best regards,



    It was spot on!
    I forgot to download the ‘translation management’ plugin. Now it is working!

    Thanks a lot for your great support!



    Great, glad it works now :)

    Best regards,


    Yes thanks. Can you close this topic?

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