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  • #1000533

    Hi Enfold users,

    View post on imgur.com

    Any idea how this can be achieved? Should be fairly simple.

    If you can please point me in the right direction.

    Thank you very much.

    PS: I’d like to use one of the default icons ( so no image or something )


    well –
    1 you had to know the hex-code of the icon you like to use
    2 you had to know the name of the icon-set
    3 you had to know the menu-item id
    4 this comes to quick css:

    #menu-item-2467 a::before {
        content: "\e8c9";
        font-family: entypo-fontello;
        display: inline-block;
        font-size: 30px;
        padding-right: 5px;
        vertical-align: middle;
        color: #f00;

    5 you must decide the style ( color of the icon-font , font-size etc)
    see here with my impressum link : https://webers-testseite.de/

    if you have transparency pages it might be a good idea to define a color for it:

    .header-scrolled #menu-item-2467 a::before {
    color: #333

    Hi jeroenvandessel,

    Please let us know if Guenni007’s solution is working for you.

    Best regards,


    or you can insert on Dashboard / Menu into the navigation label an image just before the text
    f.e. : <img src="https://webers-testseite.de/wp-content/uploads/webers-web-256farben.png" alt="image-before-menupoint" /> testpages

    it is easier to address if you gave to that menu point a custom class as i did : imagelink

    then on quick css the rest:

    .imagelink.menu-item img {
        display: inline-block;
        width: auto !important;
        height: 50%;
        position: relative;
        vertical-align: middle;
        padding-right: 5px;

    you have to adjust a bit for your needs the height
    and for the mobile menu ( hamburger maybe display none or style it extra css)

    look here on testpages menupoint: https://webers-testseite.de/


    Thank you.
    I will check this out later to see if it works. I’ll update this post then.



    Thank u for that!
    We will be happy to wait and see :)

    Best regards,

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