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  • #741926


    I´m wondering if I can add “Source Sans Pro” to my child theme. I´ve added some code to the functions.php in the child-theme:

    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_heading_font');
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Source Sans Pro Extra Bold'] = 'Source Sans Pro:900&subset=latin,latin-ext';
    $fonts['Source Sans Pro Bold'] = 'Source Sans Pro:700&subset=latin,latin-ext';
    return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font',  'avia_add_content_font');
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Source Sans Pro Light'] = 'Source Sans Pro:300&subset=latin,latin-ext';
    return $fonts;

    Now, I have the option to select the Font in the “General Styling” Section. But on my mobile device (iphone 6s, Safari) or on another Computer (Safari, Firefox, Chrome) the text is displayed in the Helvetica Neue or Arial Font.

    When I´m going back to the Template Option Panel, General Styling, then the dropdown is on the default value.

    My WordPress is running on V. 4.7.2, the Theme is V. 3.8.4.

    Thanks in advance.


    I looked in the Javascript Console in Chrome and there´s a error, corresponding to the Google Font:
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()

    The correct URL must be, I think it´s the “&amp” Code in the URL, which is not correct translated.

    Any Idea?



    I’m not seeing that error message on my end and your site seems to be displaying the font you mentioned, did you manage to get it working?

    Best regards,


    No, sorry. The Font is not shown in the frontend. Instead, there’s Helvetica displayed.



    Not on my end, the only font being displayed is Source Sans Pro. Please try clearing your browser cache and reload a few times or try loading the site in an incognito window.

    Best regards,


    Really? I already tried several Browsers in Incognito Mode and different clients like Osx, Windows, IOS.

    The Font is only displayed correctly if you are using Chrome and you’ve the font Source Sans Pro locally installed.



    Did you disable the font? It’s not loaded in the frontend when I checked on Chrome and Firefox, Windows 7. Please post the login details here so that we can check the issue further.

    Best regards,



    Yes, I disabled the Source Sans Pro. Now it´s SSP again. Here are the login credentials…




    Thank you for the update.

    We modified the code in the functions.php file. The correct font source is loading now.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for that. Unfortunatelly, I think it still doesn´t work. Even if I have the SourceSans Pro selected in the General Styling Section, it won´t show up in the front- or Backend, either in Chrome or in Safari and Firefox. Any idea?



    Did you check the frontend? It might not be working in the preview but it’s applied in the actual site.



    Yes, sure… It´s not working in the frontend…



    It’s not working because the stylesheets were minified. We disabled the minify settings temporarily and we had to add the following css code in the style.css file.

    body p, p {
        font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', 'HelveticaNeue', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
        font-weight: 300;

    Please remove or purge all cache before checking the page.



    Ah, perfect. Thanks!

    Is it in general not possible to activate the stylesheet minify function?

    Thanks again and cheers!



    Once the files are minified, changes or modifications might not reflect immediately in the frontend. You can activate it once you’re done working with the site.



    i often use the source sans pro – but only latin not latin extended – maybe this is causing the mismatch?

    and by the way you don’t need to mention the latin case because it is in the latin-extended version.
    so :

    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_heading_font');
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Source Sans Pro Extra Bold'] = 'Source Sans Pro:900&subset=latin,latin-ext';
    $fonts['Source Sans Pro Bold'] = 'Source Sans Pro:700&subset=latin-ext';
    return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font',  'avia_add_content_font');
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Source Sans Pro Light'] = 'Source Sans Pro:300&subset=latin-ext';
    return $fonts;


    I’m not sure if the subset parameter can cause issues but the font url looks like this at the moment:



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