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  • #1092428

    I have 3 basic questions about the Enfold Theme, which I am currently using:
    1 In the mobile view, the logo is aligned to the left. I would like to have that centered – is that possible?
    2. In the mobile view, the text of the slideshow is on the left side over Marcus Enfold’s picture – is that avoidable?
    3. In the mobile view in the “Service” area, the images are aligned once above the heading and then below it again. Is it possible to standardize the mobile view (always image above) and still display it alternating left and right in the desktop view?

    Especially for me, no mobile menu is displayed, although in my opinion it is active. I can send a link by PN. The menu is working fine in desktop view

    Many thanks and many greetings,


    Hey benrich1302,

    1. Yes, try adding this css code in Quick CSS, located in Enfold > General Styling:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      .responsive #top .logo {
        width: 100%;
      .responsive #top .logo img {
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;

    2. It can be changed and in most situations the current default works but there are situations where it needs to be tweaked.
    In your case, you can tweak this in Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      #top .caption_right .slideshow_caption .slideshow_inner_caption {
        width: 50%;

    3. For service area, the problem was because of order of images but it can be fixed through css:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      #top.home #av-layout-grid-2 {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column-reverse;

    Best regards,


    Thank you very much.
    Can you also help me with the following problem?

    1. The search in the menu is not displayed, although it is actually activated.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by benrich1302.

    Hi benrich1302,

    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    1. Install and activate ” Temporary Login Without Password “.
    2. Go to ” Users > Temporary Logins ” on the left-side menu.
    3. Click ” Create New “.
    4. Add the email address for the account ( you can use (Email address hidden if logged out) ), as well as the ” Role ” making that the highest possible and the expiry about four days
      ( do be sure that we have enough time to debug ).
    5. Click ” Submit “.
    6. You’ll now have a temporary account. Please provide us here in the private section the URL, so we can login and help you out.

    When your issue is fixed, you can always remove the plugin!
    If you prefer to not use the plugin, you can manually create an admin user and post the login credentials in the “private data” field.

    Best regards,


    login credentials in the private data field.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by benrich1302.


    Thanks for the update.

    You have to add this code in the functions.php file to render the search icon inside the mobile menu container.

    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'avf_add_search', 9999, 2 );
    function avf_add_search( $items, $args ) {
    	if ($args->theme_location == 'avia')
    		$search = '
     	<li id="menu-item-search-mobile" class="menu-item"></li>
    		$items = $search . $items;
    	return $items;
    add_action('wp_footer', 'avf_add_search_script');
    function avf_add_search_script(){
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    	$('.av-burger-menu-main').on('click', function() {
    		var page   = window.location.href;
    		var mobile = $('.menu-item-search-mobile');
    		var search = '<form action="'+page+'" method="get" class=""><div><input type="submit" value="?" id="searchsubmit" class="button avia-font-entypo-fontello"><input type="text" id="s" name="s" value="" placeholder="Search"></div></form>';
    		setTimeout(function() {
    			if(mobile.find('form').length == 1) return;
    		}, 500);		

    And add this css code in the Quick CSS field.

    #top #wrap_all #header #av-burger-menu-ul > {
        padding: 0 30px;
        position: relative !important;
    #top #wrap_all #header #av-burger-menu-ul > form {
        position: relative !important;

    For additional inquiries, please open a new thread.

    Best regards,


    Thank you very much.
    The search symbol does not appear in the desktop view either.
    Do I have to add anything?



    Thanks for the update.

    Did you enable the Enfold > Main Menu > General > “Append search icon to main menu” option? That will enable the search icon.

    Best regards,





    Thanks for the update.

    We can’t access the site using the login credentials above. Please provide another account or generate another token.

    Best regards,


    login credentials in the private field.



    Thanks for the info.

    We can’t edit the files via the Appearance > Editor panel. Please add this code in the functions.php file.

    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'avf_add_search', 9999, 2 );
    function avf_add_search( $items, $args ) {
    	if ($args->theme_location == 'avia')
    		$search = '<li id="menu-item-search-mobile" class="menu-item"></li>';
    		$items = $search . $items;
    	return $items;
    add_action('wp_footer', 'avf_add_search_script');
    function avf_add_search_script(){
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    	$('.av-burger-menu-main').on('click', function() {
    		var page   = window.location.href;
    		var mobile = $('.menu-item-search-mobile');
    		var search = '<form action="'+page+'" method="get" class=""><div><input type="submit" value="?" id="searchsubmit" class="button avia-font-entypo-fontello"><input type="text" id="s" name="s" value="" placeholder="Search"></div></form>';
    		setTimeout(function() {
    			if(mobile.find('form').length == 1) return;
    		}, 500);		

    We also disable the cache and minification plugins temporarily. You should only enable them back once you’re completely done with the site.

    Best regards,

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